Stars im Luitpoldhain 2022

Our Mediapartner BR-Klassik broadcats the concert live 8.04 p.m. in the radio, in the video live stream and at Facebook. You can also watch the video stream after the concert: 

German TV sends the concert at wednesday, 24th august 2022, 12 p.m. at BR Fernsehen.


You can watch the stream on demand here:


Stars im Luitpoldhain 2019

Stars im Luipoldhain will be broadcast live on BR-Klassik radio from 8.05 p.m. and as a live video stream on and on The concert will be broadcast on BR television on Sunday, 8 September at 8.15 p.m. On Sunday, 8 September, the concert can be experienced as a recording from 9.05 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Bayern 2 in the radio programme radioMitschnitt and on Friday, 30 August from 8.04 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. on DAB B5 plus, ARD Radiofestival. Stars im Luitpoldhain can also be experienced as a video stream on demand on