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With over 40,000 visitors, Stars im Luitpoldhain is one of the biggest jazz concerts in Europe. Stars of international jazz, who are usually heard in concert halls around the world, come to the Franconian metropolis for this special evening. The motor of the biennial concert evening is Nuremberg drummer Wolfgang Haffner. On 4 August, he will bring very special companions to the stage, such as the exceptional Swedish singer Ida Sand, whose voice enchants with its power and tenderness. Shantel, who combines Balkan beats with electronic and world music, and jazz trumpet icon Randy Brecker from the USA, who has had a significant influence on the jazz world, will also be performing free of charge. In addition, the Brazilian superstar and multiple Grammy winner Ivan Lins will once again thrill the Luitpoldhain with his vocals. Last but not least, the German-Swedish supergroup 4 Wheel Drive with Nils Landgren, Michael Wollny, Lars Danielsson and Wolfgang Haffner himself will be at the start. The German All Star Big Band, put together especially for Stars im Luitpoldhain, will perform under the direction of Jörg Achim Keller.
The date for the next Stars im Luitpoldhain has been set:
On Sunday, 04 August 2024 at 8 pm we will see you again!

Your donation at Stars im Luitpoldhain of 5, 10, 15 euros or more makes it possible. Pay what you want and can.
Our appreciation: unique pins!
The pins are available on the festival grounds and in the information booths. The donations help to make the event a free event.